We specialise in resolving people related issues for our clients. It is fascinating how so many of an organisations difficulties come back to people and the way they function on the job. What is equally interesting is just how common most of these issues are. On our Issues and Solutions page we present a number of anonomised case studies (Ireland is too small a country) alongside case studies from our International Partners.
For the sake of our sanity and yours, we have not included all of the possible issues we have resolved for clients. However, it is a principle of ours that we do not charge a client if we cannot resolve their issue. Additionally, our aim is to transfer our knowledge to our client, so that they can resolve it and similar issues if they encounter them in the future.
On this page, you will also find a link to our Psychometric Toolkit. Here you will find some valuable tools that allow you to bring some objectivity and quantitative measures to what is so often a very qualitative and subjective issue. These tools have been tried and tested and are highly professional and validated aids to effective people management.
Sagitas Limited | Unit C26 | Wicklow Enterprise Park | The Murrough | Wicklow
Tel +353 1 4433 919 | Email info@sagitas.com | Web www.sagitas.com